Our History
Living Hope Global Methodist was founded as the Lisbon United Methodist Church in 1840 and has a rich history.
In 1840, Dr. Nelson Rathbun, a local preacher and physician, preached the first Methodist sermon in Yankee Grove (Lisbon) in the log cabin home of John Danahoo, just east of the creek in the present South Street. Only a few settlers were here at that time. The early ministers were circuit riders with a large area to serve.
Lisbon United Methodist was renamed Living Hope Global Methodist Church on July 1, 2023.
Most recently, in February 2025, Living Hope and Uncommon Church (Formerly First Federated Church) joined forces, believing that they could impact Lisbon better together.​

Our Pastor
Andrew began his pastoring journey in 2007 after 20 years in the audio/radio production industry. He pastored Meadows Christian Fellowship in Rolling Meadows for 14 years. Then, God laid it on his heart to move to Lisbon and start the Uncommon Church. Andrew has had a heart for Lisbon since 1995 when he was visiting family here in Lisbon while on Thanksgiving break from Moody Bible Institute. Through many things, God led Uncommon Church and Living Hope to merge in February 2025, and Andrew became our Pastor.
Andrew and his wife Eryn have five children and one grandchild. Andrew enjoys good coffee, grilling food, hanging out with his family, and serving the church.
Our Leaders
We believe that God, by the Holy Spirit, gifts people with motivation and abilities to be deployed to build the whole church. That is true at every level of involvement, but a church requires leadership to serve and grow effectively. We are grateful for the rich blessing of godly leaders who guide us here at Living Hope.